Sunday, February 25, 2007
Automobile Driving In Zero Gravity
Hell Freezes Over
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Space Cadet
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Just Another Night In Hell

Today Bob arrived home from work at 7:30pm, he unloaded his beer in the fridge, went in his room and either spaced out or slept. He didn't come out of his room until 10:30 and he's now hard at work drinking and peeing at 15 minute intervals. It's another long night for Count Drunkula. How he is able to function at the pity job his friend gave him is a mystery to me. He's just started on one of his 20 minute long sneezing fits as I write this. Could someone please kill me now?
Monday, February 05, 2007
Day Of The Dead
I would bet money Bob is the largest individual retail buyer of 'Extra Gold' beer (maybe even just beer) in the state, if not the entire country. Would be hard to prove that though for The Guinness Book and the brewing industry may not embrace that kind of publicity, I mean what with the brain damage and all.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Photos From Disneyland
You can see there is an improvment since the last photos. This is only because he returned a lot of the cans at one point as he needed money for more beer. We have a 5 cent deposit law on beverage containers in CT.
All the cans on the floor are half full. He tips them over every time he stumbles in or out of his chair. The floor is all wet around the chair. The stench is overwhelming. Bob doesn't seem to have any sense of smell anymore or he's built up immunity to it.
I believe the yellowish liquid in the bottles is urine. Why anyone saves urine is a mystery to me. There are piles of food covered with mold under the trash. The mold is over an inch tall.
Below is Mr. Spacely's bed. It's a worn out piece of foam on the floor. Hope it's not flammable? His sister gave him an inflatable bed last summer but that only lasted about a week. It's now crumpled up against the wall there.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Bob, Space Cadet - Mission To Mars
I tend to vote Democrat. I belong to MoveOn . I don't hold anything against anyone for being a republican. A lot of my friends are republicans and my father is a registered republican. Being ignorant doesn't make you a bad person. You have my sympathy....honestly though, I'm just being nice, I have no sympathy for you.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
What Causes Alcoholism & Drug Addiction?
The Dr. is IN
This is why most people who enter rehabs or programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous will relapse after completion of treatment. Their mental disorder caused their addiction yet it was never addressed or even recognized.
In conclusion, If you are a long term addict, you are mentally ill. You're a nut-job, face it. You need to go to a shrink or a doctor and get yourself on Prozac or Xanax.