I don't think I ever mentioned that he was forced to clean his room twice. These photos are a few months after the first forced clean-out. It was much worse at one point than what you see here. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos then. Initially, the garbage pile around his chair was up over the monitor, there was no space left at all under his computer table, it was just a solid mass of garbage.
This was the view just outside his door in the hallway. Oh, any beer box you see is filled with cans or bottles, he never had an empty beer box. There's the paint kit I used to paint the bathroom. The door facing you is a walk-in closet. It was inaccessible for many years.
Just cracking the door, revealing the horror inside.
Good times.......
Don't let this happen to you.
At this point, his bed was against the wall there under the window. Can't see it? It's there somewhere, that's his blanket showing.
Beam me up, Scotty.

Oh yeah, I found this pretty cool comic while surfing the internets for satanic porno - Mr. Satanism I thought it's pretty funny. Sorta like Dilbert but with curse words and stuff. You youngsters probably won't get the punk references though. He likes to review shitty movies too, like hundreds of them. Helped me pass the time during Xmas.
Fuck you all